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Frequently Asked Questions


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What cars are legal to import now?

Vehicles that are over 25 years old by month/year. If a car was manufactured this month in 1994, it would now be over 25 years old and legal.

Does Drift & Drive import vehicles to the United States that are less than 25 years old?

No, we do not.

Can you import a shell? No engine, No transmission?

No engine and transmission, missing any FMVSS related items is considered vehicle parts by the NHTSA. Unless it constitutes a disassembled vehicle, the EPA looks at it the same way. However, the problem with this is then legally turning the parts into a car is a tricky situation. We only want to be involved with importing legal complete vehicles. Imported legally means less hassles down the road.

Do you also import European cars or just Japanese?

Yes, we do import European cars that are 25 year old vehicles. Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.

Does Drift & Drift import vehicles for "Show and Display" or "Track Use Only?"

We do not. Our focus is on providing +25 year old classic, unmodified vehicles.

Shipping Questions

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How do you ship vehicles from Japan?

We ship vehicles via roll on roll off boats (Ro-Ro).

Do you ship vehicles via container?

Not at this time.

What ports do you ship to?

We ship primarily to Long Beach/Los Angeles.

Will the vehicle arrive directly to me or port near me?

Your vehicle will arrive to the port of Long Beach where our domestic trucking company will pick it up, and deliver it to your doorstep.

How long does it take the RO-RO ship to get from Japan to Long beach?

On average, it takes about 3 to 4 weeks.

Cost Questions

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What does it cost to import a vehicle?

There are six costs associated with purchasing and importing a vehicle from Japan to the United States a vehicle. Click here to see the costs of importing a Nissan Figaro to San Francisco.

Buying Questions

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Do you Finance?

No, we do not.  To have a better understanding of all costs, we encourage you to use our import calculator

What forms of payment do you accept?
  • Bank wires and Cryptocurrency (XBT/ETH/LTC/XRP)
  • We do not accept Cash/Checks/Credit
Why is the $2500 deposit non-refundable?

Drift & Drive respectfully desires only serious customers. By having a nonrefundable deposit, we prevent time wasting interactions with “tire kickers” who have no serious interest in purchasing a vehicle. With that said, prospects/customers are given exclusive access to our auction portal at no cost in order to view first-hand the number of vehicles that are available at auction.

Japanese Auction Houses

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How many cars are auctioned a day in Japan?

20,000 to 40,000. The biggest auction days are typically Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Where does Drift & Drive source its vehicles from?

Our auction specialists attend dealer-only vehicle auctions across Japan six days a week, so that’s obviously where we buy the vast majority of cars for our customers. We also have some wholesale suppliers and private buying agents who can be particularly useful for tracking down rare or classic cars that don’t come through auction very often. Japan is different from most other countries in that virtually all second cars are traded in to dealers when a new vehicle is purchased. Owners very rarely sell cars privately unless they’re rare or collectible.

What cities are Drift & Drive's auction specialists located in?

Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe and Nagoya. We do not attend auctions in the northern part of Japan as vehicles are much more prone to rust.


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Title and Registration

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Does Drift & Drive assist with title and registration?

Yes, contact us for more information.

California Buyers

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How can I register my imported car in California?
  • California has its own EPA, called the ARB (Air Resources Board) often called the California Air Resources Board. The ARB sets California requirements. California is the only state to be able to set its own emissions standards, separate from the Federal EPA.
  • In order to meet these standards, there is only one conversion center in all of California is that can bring your vehicle into compliance. G&K automotive services are located in Santa Ana, CA and can be reached by phone (714-545-9503) or by email
What is the cost associated with this conversion?

We encourage our customers to speak with G&K directly for an accurate quote. With that said, be prepared to spend between $4,000 - $10,000.

Additional Questions

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Is Drift & Drive a car dealer?

Drift and Drive